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Last Epoch: What is last epoch chase item?




In Last Epoch, "chase item" refers to highly sought-after gear that players aim to acquire due to their powerful effects, significant stat boosts, or unique abilities. These items are often rare, difficult to obtain, and can significantly enhance a character's performance. I'm sure you're eager to learn about it now, right? Here are some examples of chase items in Last Epoch, including both uniques and exalted items.


last epoch items


Unique Items

In the world of Last Epoch, unique items are highly sought after due to their fixed affixes and powerful effects that can greatly enhance a build. These items often come with unique mechanics that set them apart from regular gear.



When it comes to weapons, two stand out for their exceptional qualities. The Boulderfists, a pair of gloves, are highly valued by players who focus on melee combat. These gloves offer unique effects that boost melee damage and attack speed, making them a top choice for certain melee builds. On the other hand, The Slab is a shield that provides substantial armor and block chance, making it an essential item for tanky builds that need to withstand a lot of damage.



Moving on to armor, there are also two notable pieces that can greatly benefit a player's build. Woven Flesh is a chest piece that offers excellent defensive stats and health regeneration, making it a popular choice for many different types of builds. Meanwhile, Exsanguinous is another unique chest armor that grants life leech and health regeneration, perfect for sustain-focused builds that require constant healing.



Turning our attention to accessories, two items stand out for their versatility and powerful effects. Omnis is an amulet that provides a mix of offensive and defensive stats, making it a versatile and highly desirable item. Valdyr's Chalice is a unique ring that offers significant boosts to critical strike chance and damage, making it an essential accessory for builds that rely on dealing high amounts of damage quickly.



Exalted Items

In the realm of Last Epoch, exalted items stand as a pinnacle of gear due to their rare nature and exceptional power. These items are not common drops; they are treasures that boast at least one tier 6 or tier 7 affixlevels of stats that are beyond the standard maximum found on other pieces of equipment. Players hunt for these items because they offer a significant boost in power and can be combined to create incredibly potent gear setups.


Exalted Weapon

Exalted weapons, for example, come equipped with a tier 7 prefix that can amplify physical or spell damage, making them an ideal choice for builds focused on high DPS output.


Exalted Armor

Meanwhile, exalted armor pieces provide tier 7 affixes that can bolster health pools, resistances, or even critical strike avoidance, significantly enhancing a player's ability to stay alive amidst fierce combat.


Exalted Armor

As for accessories, exalted rings, amulets, and belts bring game-changing enhancements to key statistics. They might increase critical strike chance, elevate elemental damage, or improve mana regeneration, all of which are vital for fine-tuning a build to perfection.


The allure of exalted items lies in their ability to push a character build to its utmost potential. With powerful stats and unique combinations, these items can make a substantial difference in both PvE and PvP scenarios, allowing players to conquer challenges and outshine opponents with their superior gear. The pursuit of exalted items is often a thrilling and rewarding aspect of Last Epoch, setting players on a path of constant improvement and discovery.



Set Items

Set items provide bonuses when multiple pieces of the same set are worn together. These bonuses can be very powerful and are often chase items for specific builds.


Isadora's Set

A set that provides bonuses to spell damage, mana regeneration, and elemental resistances, making it perfect for spellcasters.


The Last Laugh Set

A set that boosts melee damage, critical strike chance, and leech, ideal for melee-focused builds.



Legendary Items

Legendary items are a step above exalted items, often featuring unique effects and the potential for even higher affix tiers. These are the ultimate chase items in Last Epoch.



Farming Chase Items

To acquire these chase items, you can often engage in high-level content such as:

Monolith of Fate: Running higher-level timelines to increase the chances of finding unique and exalted items.

Arena: Competing in the Arena for rewards that can include powerful gear.

Crafting: Using the crafting system to upgrade rare items into exalted items.




Chase items in Last Epoch are the pinnacle of gear progression, offering powerful effects and significant stat boosts that can make or break a build. Acquiring these items is a major goal for many gamers, and they provide a rewarding endgame pursuit. Keep an eye out for these coveted pieces as you journey through Eterra!




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