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​MMOSO WotLK - WotLK Classic First Class Reference Guide!


Warriors are not recommended to start. Now people and teams pay more attention to optimizing efficiency. If there is a better replacement, the environment of weak occupations will be very difficult. The other 3 T's are stronger, so there's no need to take this risk unless there is a battle of faith or dual credit cards. Weapons can be played in the early stage, and fury can be played in the later stage. This profession has high requirements for equipment. If you are going to eat ribs, it is recommended not to choose a warrior.


Black and white double riding has a great advantage, and there are many starting estimates, but considering the population and equipment prices, the future may not be so good, especially for unskilled players. Therefore, if you are a novice, it is recommended to consider it carefully, and it may be difficult to join the group according to the situation of our server.

Hunters can start, as long as they like this profession, are not afraid of trouble, and are willing to do chores for the team. Because there are miscellaneous jobs and can provide buffs, a team will bring at least one survival hunter. If you are not afraid of trouble, you can choose this occupation. It is relatively simple to eat ribs like demon art. There is little competition.

Although the Shaman has been called a sewer profession before, at present, the performance is still very good, the enhancement damage is not bad, the element law system buff machine, the milk Sa team must have. It seems that a team needs at least 1-2 Shaman. However, the disadvantage of output shaman is that although the enhancement can be high at present, the equipment requirements are also high and the operation is complicated, and the elemental damage is too low, so if you want to play shaman, you must first determine the specialization.

Rogue is definitely a starting class. Level 80 not only increases the single-target damage, but also supplements the AOE damage and the only physical damage-increasing burst skill. The damage can be ranked T1 throughout level 80, the only regret is that he cannot be ranked T0 in each stage.

Warlock is a class worth considering as a starting player. His class characteristics determine that he is indispensable to a team, and individual bosses even need to be stacked. The difference between the upper and lower limits of pain spells is very large, and demon spells are relatively good and can provide buffs. A high-damage warlock is a team treasure, and if you're confident, consider starting.

Mage is not recommended to start, because the initial damage is not high, and there is no damage increase buff, so the team only needs one to increase intelligence and pull the table. When the mage stands up, it is the stage after the toc. Like the berserk war, it is also a profession that requires equipment and blessings to become stronger. It is recommended to practice later.

If the pastor is a large one, you can consider it as a starter, but it is not recommended for a small one. The limited position of the group requires competition for high equipment, and the damage of dark animal husbandry is still low, so if you are not very skilled, it is better to consider other occupations.

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