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Diablo 2: Resurrected - What Are Unique Monsters In Act 5?


Monsters are the common name of all enemies in Diablo 2 Resurrected, and they are also an important source of items and gold. Almost all monsters in the game can generate three basic versions, namely Normal monsters, Champion monsters, and Unique/Super Unique monsters, of which unique monsters can drop large runes and rare D2R Items. The following is the introduction of unique monsters in Act 5 organized by MMOSO.

Unique Monsters In Act 5 Of Diablo 2 Resurrected

Dac Farren

Preset Attributes: Cold Enchanted

Attributes Effect:

Min Ice Damage: +66% Damage

Max Ice Damage: +100% Damage

Freeze time: (mLvl*0.2+4) seconds

Attack Rating: x2

Cold Resist: 75%

If killed, release Frost Nova of Monster Level/2.

In Nightmare and Hell, minions gain +33-50% Ice Damage

Location: The Bloody Foothills  


Base Monster Type: Demon Imp

Shenk The Overseer

Special Abilities: Extra Strong

Attributes Effect:

Unique bosses and minions increase Damage and Rating

Location: The Bloody Foothills

Base Monster Type: Overseer

Eldritch The Rectifier

Preset Attributes: Extra Fast

Attribute Effect:

Attack Rating: x2

Increases extra run speed

Minions also get bonuses for doubling AR and increasing run speed

Location: Frigid Highlands

Base Monster Type: Baal's Minion

Sharptooth Slayer

Special Attributes: Extra Fast

Attribute Effect:

Attack Rating x2

Increases extra run speed

Minions also get bonuses for doubling AR and increasing run speed.

Location: Frigid Highlands

Base Monster Type: Overseer

Eyeback the Unleashed

Preset Attributes: Extra Fast, Extra Strong

Attribute Effect:

Attack Rating: x2

Increases extra run speed.

Unique bosses and minions increase Damage and Rating.

Minions also get bonuses for doubling AR and increasing run speed.

Location: Frigid Highlands

Base Monster Type: Death Mauler

Thresh Socket

Special Attributes: Cursed

Attribute Effect:

If monsters attack, 50% chance to apply an  Amplify Damage Curse on hit, the cursed level [Mlvl/5]+1

Location: Arreat Plateau

Base Monster Type: Siege Beast


Special Attributes: Cold Enchanted, Mana Burn

Attribute Effect:

Min Ice Damage: +66% Damage

Max Ice Damage: +100% Damage

Freeze time: (mLvl*0.2+4) seconds

Attack Rating: x2

Cold Resist: 75%

If death, release Frost Nova of Monster Level/2

Min Cost Mana : +(Min Damage x 4) *256

Max Cost Mana : +(Max Damage x 4) *256

Attack Rating: x2

Magic Resistance: +20%

In Nightmare and Hell, minions gain +33-50% Ice Damage.

Minions gain the attribute of Mana Burn as well.

Location: Frozen River

Base Monster Type: Abominable

Bonesaw Breaker

Preset Attributes: Extra Strong, Magic Resistant

Attribute Effect:

Unique bosses and minions increase Damage and Rating.

Fire Resist: +40%

Lightning Resist: +40%

Cold Resist: +40%

Location: Glacial Trail

Base Monster Type: Reanimated Horde

Snapchip Shatter

Preset Attributes: Cursed, Cold Enchanted

Attribute Effect:

If monsters attack, 50% chance to apply an  Amplify Damage Curse on hit, the cursed level [Mlvl/5]+1

Min Ice Damage: +66% Damage

Max Ice Damage: +100% Damage

Freeze time: (mLvl*0.2+4) seconds

Attack Rating: x2

Cold Resist: +75%

If death, release Frost Nova of Monster Level/2

In Nightmare and Hell, minions gain +33-50% Cold Damage.

Location: Icy Cellar

Base Monster Type: Frozen Horror


Special Attribute: Fire Enchanted

Attribute Effect:

Min Fire Damage: +66% Damage

Max Fire Damage: +100% Damage

Attack Rating: x2

Fire Resist: 75%

If dead, does damage of 75%-100% of max hit points, in a radius of 4 yards.

In Nightmare and Hell, minions gain +33-50% Fire Damage

Location: Nihlathak's Temple

Base Monster Type: Reanimated Horde


Special Attributes: Corpse Explosion, Summon Baal's Minions, Arctic Blast

Attribute Effect: none

Location: Halls of Vaught

Colenzo The Annihilator

Preset Attributes: Fire Enchanted

Attribute Effect:

Min Fire Damage: +66% Damage

Max Fire Damage: +100% Damage

Attack Rating: x2

Fire Resist: 75%

If dead, does damage of 75%-100% of max hit points, in a radius of 4 yards.

In Nightmare and Hell, minions gain +33-50% Fire Damage.

Location: Throne of Destruction

Base Monster Type: Fallen Shaman

Achmel The Cursed

Special Attribute: Poison Enchanted

Attribute Effect: PR+75%, automatically poisoned when the player approaches.

Location: Throne of Destruction

Base Monster Type: Greater Mummy

Bartuc The Bloody

Special Attribute: Lightning Enchanted

Attribute Effect:

Min Lightning Damage: +66% Damage

Max Lightning Damage: +100% Damage

Attack Rating: x2

Lightning Resist: 75%

If monsters are hit, a Charged Bolt of Monster Level/2 will be released.

In Nightmare and Hell, minions gain +33-50% Lightning Damage.

Location: Throne of Destruction

Base Monster Type: Council Member

Ventar the Unholy

Special Attribute: Extra Fast

Attribute Effect:

Attack Rating x2

Increases extra run speed.

Minions also get bonuses for doubling AR and increasing run speed.

From: Throne of Destruction

Base Monster Type: Megademon

Lister The Tormentor

Preset Attributes: Spectral Hit

Attribute Effect:

Fire Resist: +20%

Lightning Resist: +20%

Cold Resist: +20%

Attack Rating: x2

Choose from Fire, Lightning, Cold, Poison, Magical, and more Mana Attack

Elemental Min Attack: +66% Damage

Elemental Max Attack: +100% Damage

In Nightmare and Hell, minions will gain +33-50% random elemental damage as well.

From: Throne of Destruction

Base Monster Type: Minion of Destruction



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